Business Model Generation

Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers
Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur

Today, countless innovative business models are emerging.  Entirely  new industries are forming, while old ones are crumbling.  Upstarts are  challenging the old guard, some of whom are struggling feverishly to  reinvent themselves.

How do you imagine your organization’s business model might look two,  five, or 10 years from now?  Will you be among the dominant players?   Will you facing competitors with formidable new business models?

Our summary of <strong><em>Business Model Generation</em></strong>,  by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur, will give you deep insight  into the nature of business models, and it will help you to lead the  redesign of our own organization’s business model.

Osterwalder is an author, speaker, and adviser on the topic of  business model innovation.  Pigneur has been a professor of management  information systems at the University of Lausanne since 1984.   Osterwalder and Pigneur’s practical approach to designing innovative  business models is practiced in multiple industries throughout the world  by companies including 3M, Ericsson, Capgemini, Deloitte, Telenor, and  many others.

This summary offers powerful, simple, tested tools for visionaries,  game changers, and challengers who are striving to design or reinvent  business models.  It will help you to find innovative ways of doing  business to replace old, outdated business models, so you can create  tomorrow’s winning enterprises with confidence.