
Juice: The Creative Fuel That Drives World-Class Inventors
Evan I. Schwartz

Invention has fueled the progress of humankind throughout history. The same thinking patterns that produced breakthroughs from the steam engine to the gene sequencer will spawn the inventions on which we‘ll build the future.

But what drives invention? Where does the mental leap, the breakthrough, the “Eureka!” come from? How does someone search for a problem, brainstorm a solution, and create that highly sought-after something that has never before existed?

These are some of the questions we will find answers to in our summary of Juice, by Evan I. Schwartz. Schwartz is the author of Digital Darwinism, Webonomics, and The Last Lone Inventor. He is a contributing writer for MIT‘s Technology Review and a former editor at Business Week.

In Juice, he provides examples of inventors that will help you to better understand and stimulate innovation in your business, and explains nine strategic thinking skills -- from creating possibilities to embracing failure -- that lead to invention.