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Think to Win: Unleashing the Power of Strategic Thinking

Think to Win:Unleashing the Power of Strategic Thinking

Paul Butler, John Manfredi, and Peter Klein

Summarized August 2015


SKU: 8152

ISBN: 0071840958

Price: $12.50

Available Formats: pdf epub mobi mp3 ipad audiobook

Summary Description

Winning has always been a matter of outsmarting competitors.  Our summary provides a straightforward approach that will help you and your team think strategically, communicate powerfully, and execute with excellence. It demystifies the strategic thinking process and makes it accessible to everyone, from the            C-suite to entry-level employees.  You’ll master powerful tools for challenging assumptions, tackling the right issues, identifying winning strategies, and engaging people to get things done.

Winning has always been a matter of outsmarting competitors. Our summary of Think to Win, by Paul Butler, John Manfredi and Peter Klein, provides a straightforward approach that will help you and your team to think strategically, communicate powerfully, and execute with excellence.

The authors have decades of experience as senior leaders of several top global companies and have worked as consultants with scores of clients on hundreds of critical strategic and tactical issues and projects. Literally thousands of people, from Fortune 500 companies to start-ups to non-profits, have learned their Think to Win approach, applied the learning, and scored improved results and incredible wins.

This summary demystifies the strategic thinking process and makes it accessible to everyone, from the C-suite to entry-level employees. You’ll master powerful tools for challenging assumptions, tackling the right issues, identifying winning strategies, and engaging people to get things done.


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